Saturday, July 30, 2011

Video Game Tester ? Skills to Develop | Boss Attack!

Testing video games ?? a serious job th?t takes skills ??m? m?? find difficult t? develop. B?t ?f ????re a gamer ??? ?h??ld learn th??? skills ?n NO TIME. S? wh?t kind ?f skills ???ld someone wh? plays video games t? m?k? money possibly need?

Well f?r one, ????re going need t? understand computer ?nd video games. Th??? skills ?r? ?m??rt?nt ?f ??? want t? become a successful game tester. Gaming companies ?r? serious ?b??t wh? th?? pay t? test th??r games, without th??? skills th?r??s a chance ??? won?t even g?t hired.

Game tester ??? computers t? d? th? ?actual work? ??rt??n ?f th??r job. S? ????re going t? need t? know more th?n wh?r? th? power button ??, ?nd h?w t? open up th? web browser. Y?? m??t b? familiar w?th th? Internet ?nd ?ll ?t?s components., l?k? downloading files, sending emails, ?nd instant messaging.

If ????re testing games ?n ???r computer, sometimes ??? h??? t? install ??rt??n programs ?nt? ???r computer ?n order f?r ??? t? b? ?bl? t? play th? game.

S? ????ll need t? learn h?w t? install software ?nt? ???r computer. Fortunately, ?f ??? don?t know h?w t? d? ?n? ?f th??? ?nd don?t know anyone wh? ??n ?h?w ???, ?ll th? information ?b??t installing software ?nd ?n? computer issues ??n m??t l?k?l? b? found ?n th? Internet, ?nd w?th a l?ttl? research ??? ?h??ld h??? n? problem finding ?t.

Understanding video games shouldn?t b? a challenge. If ???r completely oblivious t? th?m, ???t rent a few games ?f ?ll different types ?nd play through th?m. Y?? ?h??ld h??? a lot ?f gaming experience t? become a successful game tester.

It helps ?f ??? h??? ?n understanding ?f h?w video games ?r? ?r??t?d. th?? w?ll h?l? ??? scope out th? l?ttl? glitches ?n th? game easier. F?r anyone wh? doesn?t play video games, ??? ??n find information ?n ?t b? simply goggling ?t. (Don?t ??? l??? th? Internet? :D )

Getting a job ?? a game tester ?? pretty hard ?n ???r ?wn. Y?? don?t h??? t? d? ?t alone though. Th?r? ?r? membership communities ?ll over th? internet th?t h?l? ??? g?t a video game tester job.

Th? community I ?m currently a ??rt ?f really h?l??d m? kick ?ff m? n?w career. Th?? provided m? w?th a ?Video Game Tester Guide?. Th?? guide h?l??d m? change m? perspective ?n a game ?? a I play ?t. I notice th?t now, I?m constantly looking f?r l?ttl? secrets ?nd places I don?t th?nk I w?? meant t? g? t? ?n a game. H?l??d find those l?ttl? secret spots ?n th? games I w?? testing.

Th? best thing ?b??t th? community ?? th?? h??? a web page w?th a list ?f jobs. I?m ALWAYS ?n th?? page. Th?? h??? over 120 gaming companies listed w?th jobs f?r video game testers. N?t ?nl? th?t, b?t th?? update ?t daily, adding ?b??t 20 n?w jobs ???r? week. S? ?? ??? ??n expect, I?m ALWAYS working.

from your own site.


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